Thursday 23 August 2012

Full size: Here

Level 1

This is the "basics" I would say this is good for A if you just want it fast and cheap or if you want to do the detail etc yourself
but you don’t want to start with the basics already done.

Price with construction/undercoat:
Infantry £2
Terminator/monstrous infantry £3
Cavalry/mounted infantry £4

Level 2

This is where you get a wash of your choosing and/or dry brushing etc.

Price with construction/undercoat:
Infantry £2
Terminator/monstrous infantry £5
Cavalry/mounted infantry £6

Level 3

This is where you begin to pay for the details. things like eyes, lenses and proper skin/shading.

Price with construction/undercoat:
Infantry £4
Terminator/monstrous infantry £6
Cavalry/mounted infantry £8

Level 4

Here we start to get towards the top end of any infantry standard unit. line highlights, layering etc good for veteran/elite units.

Price with construction/undercoat:
Infantry £8
Terminator/monstrous infantry £10
Cavalry/mounted infantry £15

Level 5

This is the top of the range for a standard infantry unit, things like freehand banners and designs (shields on knights or shoulder pads on marines).
this is best kept for the price of your force, not something you would lavish on any old squad.

Price with construction/undercoat:
Infantry £15
Terminator/monstrous infantry £18
Cavalry/mounted infantry £25

Obviously things never fit quite into this sort of category based system, so all prices are up for negotiation/reassessing.

There are 2 levels of character painting.

This covers your standard level painting, much like level 3.5. they come with all details and depending on the model highlights and shading etc.


This is a centrepiece, the model that you show off with in your army. Freehand details, complex shading and layering etc.


the prices for these are quoted only as a general on foot (Guard lord commander or Tau ethereal) to give you an idea of what it will cost.

All units will get the trusty sand and static grass treatment and will have construction/clean-up included in the prices.

That covers the basics for now, if you have any questions please just drop me a line or post a comment and I will get back to you AWSP to discuss what you want or need.



Tuesday 14 August 2012

Hey guys, just to let you know, I will be posting up my painting/price gude picture in a week or so : )  i just need to make sure i get something cool to paint so I have a nice model to show it on : P.

Friday 10 August 2012


This guy earned a name for himself in my local store for being a good luck omen, being the man behind the unit of penal legionaries  that take out a full squad of terminators in a single turns close combat will do that, we salute you lord commissar Steve.


I also pride myself on pushing the idea of a setting for my models, I like the miniatures to feel like they belong in their environment, and will really try to put some creative extras into the bases, here you see my Tau Their bases cast in brown stuff things like walls/pillars lamp posts even added after really make me feel like my unit looks like its interacting with its environment. also, for a little extra I'm happy to do some serious reposing and green-stuffing, depending on what's needed.

Here we have a unit I painted up for this specific task. these guys were painted up to become the opening of my gallery. I'm really pleased with how they came out, even if the freehand on the shoulders did drive me nuts I love the end product, which to me is the real prize.

Ok guys and girls. I suppose its my turn to jump in the ring and see how we do. This is where I will be keeping a record of (hopefully) paying or paid work I paint up in a shameless plug for my painting. I'll start out with a  little gallery of the things I have done so far and if you think you would like to pay me some of that cash that's burning a hole in your pocket to paint something for you then drop me a  line and I'll see what I can do :D